Premier Prix in the 89th Concours International Léopold Bellan in Paris, he made his professional debut in Lisbon at the age of 17, after being awarded the first prize by unanimity in the National Prize for Young Pianists “Fundação Rotária Portuguesa”. As a young pianist was awarded 1st prize in several competitions in Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Netherlands, Japan and Belgium. Performed in Portugal, Spain, France, Israel, Netherlands, Australia, Italy, Germany, Russia, Belgium, Brazil, Austria, Macedonia, Japan and Taiwan. Was invited to participate in several Festivals, including the 34th Yokohama International Piano Concert, Sintra, Mafra, Cap Ferret, Openlook St. Petersburg, Sommerakademie Mozarteum Salzburg, Alcobaça, Forum Internacional Torrelodones, the 4 Seasons of Vidago, the Euro Music Festival Leipzig, Festa na Baixa CNC, Festival Euro-Mediterraneo Calabria, Viseu Music Spring and the Rotterdam Operadagen. Performed with live broadcasting for Euroradio (EBU), Kol Ha Musica IBA (Israel), RTP2 e Antena 2 (Portugal) and for ABC Classic FM (Australia). As a soloist, performed with the Oporto National Orchestra, Sinfonia Rotterdam, Rotterdam Ensemble, Macedonian Philharmonic, Orquestra Clássica do Centro, Orquestra de Espinho, Orquestra Sinfónica do Atlântico, Orquestra Sinfonica Esproarte, Orquestra do Norte (Portugal) and Orquestra Filarmonica di Stato “P. Constantinescu” di Ploiesti (Romania), with the conductors Lior Shambadal, Conrad van Alphen, Claudio Cohen, Anton Nanut, José Ferreira Lobo, Marc Tardue, Manuel Ivo Cruz, Sergio Alapont, Jan Wierzba, Ahmed El Saedi, Artur Pinho Maria, Roberto Beltran, Roberto Misto and Enrique Bátiz. Was invited to give masterclasses and lectures in Kawai Omotesando Tokyo, Chinese Culture, National Chiao Tung and Chung Yuan Universities, Taipei, Forum Musikae Madrid, Conservatório Nacional de Lisboa, University of Coimbra, and Esproarte Mirandela. Was a guest juror of the Taiwan International Piano Ensemble Competition, Viseu International Competition, StayHome International Piano Competition 2020 (Italy) and Fujairah International Piano Competition. He is presently Artistic Vice-Director, Professor and Managing Director of Academia Internacional de Música “Aquiles Delle Vigne”, in Coimbra and member of the artistic direction of the Coimbra World Piano Meeting and Sardoal International Piano Meeting. He is also part of the faculty of Wiener Musikseminar, in the University of Music and Performing Arts of Vienna and Escuela Superior Musical Arts Madrid.