Agathe Leimoni is born in Athens. She obtained her Diplomas of Piano (class:Gerassimos Kakalis), Harmony, Counterpoint and Fugue (class:Andrea Carbone), with the highest distinctions in Greece and continued her musical studies in Italy, obtaining the Diploma of Piano (class: Luigi Mostacci, State Conservatory of Bologna). She has been a student of Julia and Konstantin Ganev for several years. She has attended the class of “Perfectionnement” at the “Ecole Normale de Musique” in Paris, for two years, with Germaine Mounier and Young Shin An. Since her childhood, she has participated in many master classes of famous pianists who have commented her special musical nature, her brio and sensibility and received prizes and distinctions in various International Competitions. She has given a lot of recitals in Europe (Greece, Italy, Germany, France, England, Bulgaria, Belgium, Norway, Austria, Russia and Rumania), in South and Central America (Uruguay, Argentina, Mexico), participating also in many important Festivals. She has performed as a soloist in Greece, Italy, Bulgaria, Rumania and Uruguay with the Orchestras of Athens, Thessaloniki, Bologna, Napoli, Sliven, Arad, Russe, Sibiu and Montevideo. She has been a member of Jury and President in many National and International Musical Competitions, in Greece, Italy, Bulgaria, France, Spain and Rumania. She is a piano Professor and Head of the Piano Department at the Hellenic Conservatory of Athens and in Pythagorio Conservatory of Athens. Since 2007 she is Professor at Schola Cantorum of Paris, where many of her students have graduated the last years, obtaining the superior Diplomas with the highest distinctions. Since 2010 she is a regular Professor at the International Piano Academy of Belgium ”Primavera Pianistica”. Since 2013 she has been nominated Visiting Professor at the Gnessin’s Music Academy of Moscow, starting a new artistic collaboration between the Russian Academy and the Helleneic Conservatory. She has given master classes in Greece, Bulgaria, Italy, France, Spain, Belgium, Norway and South America with great success. She has been teaching since the age of 16, and her successful pedagogical career has established her as one of the most promising Professors of piano in Greece and abroad. She has been travelling with her students in many countries and has offered them the chance to experience many musical opportunities and international events. Her pupils have won many prizes in National and International Competitions and have been distinguished abroad. She has been awarded the golden medal of UNESCO and a special Diploma as a honorary member of the ‘CH.O.N.’ Musical Association of Greece, for her unique teaching and artistic contribution. She has been awarded the Golden Medal of the “Union of Bulgarian Musicians and Dancers” and she has been acclaimed as the best pedagogue in the International Music Competition “Music and Earth” – Sofia 2006, for her pupils’ success. She has been presented as a Soloist and Professor several times by the radio and tv in Greece and abroad . She has been interviewed by various newspapers and channels and received very enthusiastic critics from journalists in Greece and abroad. She is Vice President of ‘CH.O.N.’ Musical Association of Greece. She is the founder and Artistic Director of the ‘International Seiler Piano Competition – Rhodes 2004′, the ‘International Piano Festival- Rhodes 2004′, the ‘International Seiler Summer Piano Academy – Rhodes 2005′ ,the ‘International Seiler Piano Competition and Festival–Rethymno 2006′ and the International Summer Piano Academy and Festival of Poros since 2009.

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