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11th International Piano Competition "Città di San Donà di Piave"

#Piano #Pianoforte


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San Donà di Piave



Scadenza Iscrizioni:04-05-2024

San Donà di Piave



Scadenza Iscrizioni:16-05-2024

Breve descrizione

Cultural Association C. Debussy, in association with San Donà di Piave Municipality, organizes the 11th INTERNATIONAL PIANO COMPETITION “CITTA’ DI SAN DONA’ DI PIAVE” in order to promote musical culture and draw young people to music’s study and development.

The competition, opened to Italian and foreign applicants, will take place in Teatro Metropolitano Astra, in San Donà di Piave. 
All informations can be found on the competition's website.


There are 2 different deadlines: 

16th May is for Section 1 - Categories

4th May is for Section 2 - Piano Performance which has an Online Preliminary Round (see rules for more info) and a Live Final Round.


The complete rules are available in Italian and English on our website: 


SECTION 1: Categories

Cat. “First notes” born after 01/01/2016; max. performance duration: 4 minutes.

Cat. A born from 01/01/2014 to 31/12/2015; max. performance duration: 7 minutes

Cat. B born from 01/01/2012 to 31/12/2013; max. performance duration: 10 minutes.

Cat. C born from 01/01/2010 to 31/12/2011; max. performance duration: 12 minutes.

Cat. D born from 01/01/2007 to 31/12/2009; max performance duration: 14 minutes.

Cat. E born from 01/01/2002 to 31/12/2006; max. performance duration: 16 minutes.


SECTION 2: Piano performance

Up to 36 years age.

ONLINE Eliminatory round: max. performance duration 20 minutes:

• One Study chosen among F. Chopin, F. Liszt, C. Debussy, S. Rachmaninov, S. Prokofiev, A. Skryabin, B. Bartok, G. Ligeti;
• Free choice program;

LIVE Final round: max. performance duration 25 minutes (about 14 finalists will be selected):

• Free choice program.


SECTION 1: Categories

Absolute First min. scoring 98/100 will receive 1 price cup, diploma and the scholarships reported here below:


Cat. First Notes € 100,00

Cat. A € 150,00

Cat. B € 200,00

Cat. C € 250,00

Cat. D € 350,00

Cat. E € 500,00


To first prize (with scoring from 95/100 to 97/100): cup and diploma

To second prize (with scoring from 90/100 to 94/ 100): medal and diploma

To third prize (with scoring from 85/100 to 89/100): medal and diploma

To fourth prize (with scoring from 80/100 to 84/100): diploma

All remaining competitors will receive the diploma/certificate of attendance.


SECTION 2: Piano performance

First prize € 3.000,00* in memory of Livia Mirella and Guido Perin, and a concert

Second prize € 1.500,00 scholarship

Third prize € 800,00 scholarship


Judges reserve to assign ex-aequo prizes for all the sections; in this case the scholarships will be fairly divided among the winners.

*€uro 2.600,00 will be delivered during the concert of the winners, €uro 400,00 will be given at the day of the concert as an expense reimbursement.



In addition to the assigned award concerts, judges and the organization may assign concerts to competitors selected from all the sections.

The organization of the competition is relieved of any responsibility or any reimbursement of expenses and hospitality of the prize concerts.



Nevena Popovic Prize: in memory of M° Nevena Popovic the jury will be assigned two scholarships, one of € 200,00 and one of € 100,00 between the sections.


The “Public Prize” will be conferred during the Award Concert.

A "Teaching Award" will be awarded to the teacher with the greatest number of students who received the highest awards during the competition.


Domanda: Is the competition exclusively online?

Risposta: No, the competition is held live. Section 2 has only a preliminary round held online and then a final round live in San Donà di Piave, Italy.


Associazione Culturale C.Debussy

San Donà di Piave

Sito Web


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