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Scadenza Iscrizioni:20-06-2022

Breve descrizione


Par. 1     The competition is open to young italian or foreign musicians.

Par. 2     The main goal of the competition is to promote musical culture,  encouraging  youth to study music.

Par. 3     The competition will take place in the “ LUCA BRANDI  HALL ”  , in Via  Banchina Olimpica   in  the municipality of    ISCHIA ( Naples)  , from  7th July   to  10th July  2022 .

Par. 4     Examinations will be public and divided into the following sections and  categories:


Section  1  : Soloist Prize  ( All instruments -except Piano )      Section   2   : Chamber Music  Prize ( Duo- Trio and Ensamble)

 Cat. Junior   up to  9 full yrs. old    Max. time  5  mins .             Cat.   F     medium age up to 14 years old       Max. time 10 mins .

 Cat. A           up to 12 full yrs. old   Max. time  8  mins  .            Cat.   G     medium age up to 20 years old      Max. time 15 mins .

 Cat. B           up to 15 full yrs. old   Max. time 10 mins.               Cat.    H     medium age up to 35 years old       Max. time 20 mins . 

 Cat. C           up to 18 full yrs. old   Max. time 15 mins.         

 Cat. D           up to 23 full yrs. old   Max. time 20 mins                           

 Cat. E            up to 35 full yrs. old   Max. time 25 mins.





Par. 1     The competition is open to young italian or foreign musicians.

Par. 2     The main goal of the competition is to promote musical culture,  encouraging  youth to study music.

Par. 3     The competition will take place in the “ LUCA BRANDI  HALL ”  , in Via  Banchina Olimpica   in  the municipality of    ISCHIA ( Naples)  , from  7th July   to  10th July  2022 .

Par. 4     Examinations will be public and divided into the following sections and  categories:


Section  1  : Soloist Prize  ( All instruments -except Piano )      Section   2   : Chamber Music  Prize ( Duo- Trio and Ensamble)

 Cat. Junior   up to  9 full yrs. old    Max. time  5  mins .             Cat.   F     medium age up to 14 years old       Max. time 10 mins .

 Cat. A           up to 12 full yrs. old   Max. time  8  mins  .            Cat.   G     medium age up to 20 years old      Max. time 15 mins .

 Cat. B           up to 15 full yrs. old   Max. time 10 mins.               Cat.    H     medium age up to 35 years old       Max. time 20 mins . 

 Cat. C           up to 18 full yrs. old   Max. time 15 mins.         

 Cat. D           up to 23 full yrs. old   Max. time 20 mins                           

 Cat. E            up to 35 full yrs. old   Max. time 25 mins.



Par. 5    Competitors must enroll in just one category: however, solists from

              Section  1   are allowed to take part also in the Section 2 and viceversa.

Par. 6    The association  may apply some changes to this announcement in the future  and possibly suppress a category, if 

              competitors are not enough. In that case, the attendance  fee will be refunded.  Furthermore, the association will not   

              be responsible for any damages  or losses due  to competitors, during all the competition.



Par. 1     The competition is open to young italian or foreign musicians.

Par. 2     The main goal of the competition is to promote musical culture,  encouraging  youth to study music.

Par. 3     The competition will take place in the “ LUCA BRANDI  HALL ”  , in Via  Banchina Olimpica   in  the municipality of    ISCHIA ( Naples)  , from  7th July   to  10th July  2022 .

Par. 4     Examinations will be public and divided into the following sections and  categories:


Section  1  : Soloist Prize  ( All instruments -except Piano )      Section   2   : Chamber Music  Prize ( Duo- Trio and Ensamble)

 Cat. Junior   up to  9 full yrs. old    Max. time  5  mins .             Cat.   F     medium age up to 14 years old       Max. time 10 mins .

 Cat. A           up to 12 full yrs. old   Max. time  8  mins  .            Cat.   G     medium age up to 20 years old      Max. time 15 mins .

 Cat. B           up to 15 full yrs. old   Max. time 10 mins.               Cat.    H     medium age up to 35 years old       Max. time 20 mins . 

 Cat. C           up to 18 full yrs. old   Max. time 15 mins.         

 Cat. D           up to 23 full yrs. old   Max. time 20 mins                           

 Cat. E            up to 35 full yrs. old   Max. time 25 mins.





  Competitors of all sections and categories

 FIRST  classified           (score not less than  95/98 )       1st prize  medal and degree

 SECOND classified       ( score from 94/100 to 90/100)   2nd prize  degree

 THIRD  classified          ( score from 89/100 to 85/100)   3rd prize  degree

 FOURTH classified       (score from 84/100t o 80/100)    4th prize  degree

-Each not awarded competitor will be given an Attendance Certificate.

-FIRST ABSOLUTE WINNERS  of each category   cup and degree (score  99/100 - 100/100) , will be also awarded the following prizes :

SECTION 1 ( Soloist Prize )

Cat. Junior       Scholarship     €         50,00        Cat. A             Scholarship     €         80,00       

Cat. B               Scholarship     €         100,00       Cat. C             Scholarship     €         140,00

Cat. D              Scholarship      €         200,00

Cat. E               Scholarship      €         400,00    - A Concert  to be held during the season 2023 . The concert is listed  in

                                                                                       “ CLASSICA FESTIVAL NOTE SUL MARE” in Ischia

SECTION 2  (Chamber Music Prize  )

Cat. F           Scholarship                  €          100,00               

Cat. G          Scholarship                  €          300,00

Cat. H          Scholarship                  €          500,00    And  1  Concert  to be held during the season 2023  . The concert is listed                                                                                            in  “ CLASSICA FESTIVAL NOTE SUL MARE”   in Ischia


Associazione Musicale Note sul Mare


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