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Collegium Musicum International Competition

#Flauto #Oboe #Viola #Violino #Violoncello


Livello avanzato


Dove si svolgerà




Scadenza Iscrizioni:28-02-2021

Breve descrizione

The Association "Collegium Musicum Lugano" presents the first edition of this competition which will be held exclusively online.
Candidates must send the completed application form and the Youtube link (unlisted) until 28 February 2021 at 23h59.

The competition is open to musicians of all nationalities and born after 01 January 1986 and before 01 January 2003.

The competition has two categories: Strings cat. and Winds cat.
Instruments admitted: violin, viola, cello, flute and oboe.

The programme to be presented must include only works for solo instruments (unaccompanied) composed between 1600 and 1791.

CHF 1000.- 1st prize cat. Winds
CHF 1000.- 1st prize cat. String
CHF 500.- Bach Prize

The registration fee is CHF 70 / EUR 65


1_Applications are accepted until Sunday, 28 February 2021 at 23:59.
2_Incomplete applications and/or late applications will be rejected and the fee, if already paid, will be not refunded.
Please insert in the payment reason the name and surname of the candidate and the instrument.
3_The Jury will not take into account the shooting technique, but a good audio and video quality is strongly recommended: if a video
is not considered eligible, the candidate will be asked by the competition office to submit a second video, always within the deadline.
The face and the hands of the performer should always be visible.
4_ The maximum length of the videos is 20 minutes.
5_Cuts and editing within a piece or a single movement are not allowed. Cuts are possible only between pieces or between


Cat. Winds: flute, oboe

Cat. Strings: violin, viola and cello


Winds: 1st prize CHF 1000.-

Strings: 1st prize CHF 1000.-

Bach Prize: CHF 500.-


Andrea Oliva Vedi Profilo

Alessandro Moccia Vedi Profilo

Stefano Molardi Vedi Profilo

Riccardo Emanuele Feroce Vedi Profilo


Collegium Musicum Lugano

Lugano, Svizzera

Sito Web

0041 78 679 19 52

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