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Scadenza Iscrizioni:15-05-2019

Breve descrizione

The title of the competition, "Forme Uniche della Continuità nello Spazio" (Unique Forms of Continuity in Space), is derived from the famous sculpture by Italian futurist artist Umberto Boccioni.
This international composition competition is an opportunity for composers to express the
originality of their musical ideas and aims to contribute to the creation of a large and eclectic body of art works, with rich implications in the relationship between music, poetry, visual arts, environment, and more.


International Competition for Composers
The State Conservatory of Music Giovanni Battista Pergolesi of Fermo
in partnership with
The Italian Cultural Institute – Osaka
2019 Week of the Italian Language in the World (October 20th - 27th)
Under the patronage of the President of the Italian Republic


Art. 1 – The Competition
The title of the competition, "Forme Uniche della Continuità nello Spazio" (Unique Forms of Continuity in Space), is derived from the famous sculpture by Italian futurist artist Umberto Boccioni.
This international composition competition is an opportunity for composers to express the
originality of their musical ideas and aims to contribute to the creation of a large and eclectic body of art works, with rich implications in the relationship between music, poetry, visual arts, environment, and more.

Art. 2 – Board and Jury
Founders: Carlo Forlivesi, Stefano Fossati
Director: Nicola Verzina
Selection Panel: Claudio Ambrosini (Jury President), Fabrizio de Rossi Re, Fulvio Delli
Pizzi, Carlo Forlivesi, Doi Hideyuki, Nakamura Noriko, Paolo Rosato, Nicola Verzina, Italo

Art. 3 – Categories
The competition includes three
A - Chamber Music (Fermo)
B - Electronic Music (Fermo)
C - Solo Instrument (Kyoto)
Category A - Bruno Maderna Award
will be delivered to a new work for Chamber Music. From 1 to 5 instruments to be chosen
among the followings: voice/s, flute, oboe, clarinet/s, bassoon, saxophones, trumpet,
trombone, horn, tuba, percussions, piano, accordion, violin, viola, cello, double bass, guitar.
Duration: 7 minutes maximum. Extended techniques are allowed. Up to 4 Finalists will be
selected, and their works performed in Fermo during the month of October 2019.
The winner will be invited to deliver a lecture at the State Conservatory of Fermo and will receive for it a gross amount of 700 euros. The prize money is awarded to the winner only if he/she participates to the preparation of the performance and after holding a lecture about his/her composition. The award is sponsored by the Conservatory of Fermo to commemorate the 100-year anniversary of Bruno Maderna's birth in 2020.

Category B - Luigi Nono Award
will be delivered to a new work for Electronics.
Media: Stereo file (No live electronics)
Duration: 7 minutes maximum. Up to 4 Finalists will be selected, and their works performed in Fermo during the month of October 2019. The winner will be invited to deliver a lecture at the State Conservatory of Fermo and will receive for it a gross amount of 700 euros. The prize money is awarded to the winner only if he/she participates to the preparation of the performance and after holding a lecture about his/her composition.

Category C - Giacomo Leopardi Award
will be delivered to a new work for Solo Instrument.
Koto 13 strings: Oe Miyako?
Saxophone Soprano Alto Tenor: Fukuta Ayano
Violin: Henmi Yasutaka
Percussion: Miyakoto Yasuko
List of percussion instruments available at
Composers are also allowed to use custom-made or unconventional percussions in accordance with the performer.
Duration: 7 minutes maximum. Extended techniques are allowed. Up to 4 Finalists will be
selected, and their works performed in Kyoto and Fermo during the month of October 2019. The winner will be invited to deliver a lecture at the State Conservatory of Fermo and will receive for it a gross amount of 700 euros. The prize money is awarded to the winner only after holding a lecture about his/her composition in Fermo.
The award is sponsored by the Centro Nazionale di Studi Leopardiani to commemorate the 200-year anniversary of Leopardi's masterpiece L’Infinito. The composition must be freely inspired by Giacomo Leopardi's poem (see text in attachment). Personal styles and aesthetics are desirable.
The concerts in Fermo will be hold by the “Bruno Maderna Ensemble" of the Conservatory of Music.

Art. 4 – How to participate
Age limit: The Competition is open to composers of any nationality born on or after 1 January 1980 (N.B. composer of minor age cannot apply).
- Submitted works must be unperformed.
Composers may apply submitting multiple pieces and in any category. An independent application must be sent for each work.
- Composers with a personal and cutting-edge aesthetic are encouraged to apply. We recommend Applicants to create works with a strong relation to the topics of the competition:
A - Chamber Music / Bruno Maderna;
B - Electronics / Luigi Nono;
C - Solo instrument / Leopardi's L'Infinito.

Application materials: All materials must be clearly labelled with the full name of the
Applicant. Application materials will not be returned. There is no entry form.
All materials must be sent via electronic mail.
What to send:
1) Work/s (score for categories A and C – audio file for category B). The following formats will be accepted – PDF for instrumental scores (Chamber Orchestra, Solo Instruments), MP3 file (for Electronics.
N.B. Selected Applicants (Finalists) must then send an AIFF format of their work).
2) Full name, postal address, telephone number and email address, and if available, the
composer’s website. Format: PDF, RTF, or Word document.
3) A short biographical profile describing your educational background, principle mentors,
significant achievements, publications, and experience (no more than one typewritten page) in English. Format: PDF, RTF, or Word document.
4) Proof of age and nationality – please include a scanned copy of your passport or ID card. Format: PDF, JPG or PNG.
5) Receipt of payment – please include a scanned copy of your receipt of the entry fee: 30 EUR for the first work, 20 EUR for any further work).
Format: JPG, PDF. With causal payment: “Iscrizione Concorso Internazionale di
Composizione 2019”. Application fees for multiple works of the same composer can be done in one bank transfer. In that case we recommend Applicants to list the title of the submitted works together with the receipt of payment.

All materials must be sent exclusively via email

N.B. Materials sent via file transfer service (e.g. YouSendIt or similar), will not be considered.

Art. 5 – Participation fee
- Application fee: 30 EUR for the first work submitted, 20 EUR for any further work (see
below for details), with causal payment: “Iscrizione Concorso Internazionale di
Composizione 2019”.
- Selected Applicants (Finalists) must attend the performance of their works in the respective place of performance: Italy for Chamber Music and Electronics, Japan for Solo Instruments. Winners will be invited to deliver a lecture at the State Conservatory of Fermo and will receive for it respectively a gross amount of 700 euros percategory (Chamber Music, Electronic Music, Solo Instruments).

All transportation and related expenses are the responsibility of the Applicant.
Pay your Entry Fee by money transfer to the following bank account:
ACCOUNT NAME: Conservatorio di Musica G.B. Pergolesi di Fermo
IBAN NUMBER: IT26 K076 0113 5000 0001 5148638

Art. 6 – Deadline, Notification, Awards
- For all categories, complete materials must be received by email not later than not later than June 15th 2019. Incomplete applications that do not comply with the requirements stated in items 1-5 above will not be considered.

- Notification of Finalists: only selected candidates (Finalists) will be notified, via electronic mail: not later than July 13th 2019.
Finalists should be able to communicate in English.
Concerts dates:
Categories A-B (Chamber Music, Electronic Music): Fermo (Italy), October 2019 (dates TBC).
Category C (Solo Instrument): Kyoto (Japan), October 2019 (date TBC).
Instruments: percussion, violin, Japanese koto.
The respective concerts will be preceded by intensive rehearsals. Attendance by competition Finalists is compulsory.

Art. 7 – Acceptance of the rules
By entering his/her works within the deadline at the address below, the Applicant agrees to abide by the rules of this competition and the decisions of the Selection Committee. No legal action can be undertaken against the organizers.

Official Website:


G. Leopardi

Sempre caro mi fu quest'ermo colle,
E questa siepe, che da tanta parte
Dell'ultimo orizzonte il guardo esclude.
Ma sedendo e mirando, interminati
Spazi di là da quella, e sovrumani
Silenzi, e profondissima quiete
Io nel pensier mi fingo; ove per poco
Il cor non si spaura. E come il vento
Odo stormir tra queste piante, io quello
Infinito silenzio a questa voce
Vo comparando: e mi sovvien l'eterno,
E le morte stagioni, e la presente
E viva, e il suon di lei. Così tra questa
Immensità s'annega il pensier mio:
E il naufragar m'è dolce in questo mare.

The Infinity
This solitary hill has always been dear to me
And this hedge, which prevents me from seeing
most of the endless horizon.
But when I sit and gaze, I imagine, in my thoughts,
Endless spaces beyond the hedge, an all
encompassing silence and a deeply profound quiet,
To the point that my heart is quite overwhelmed.
And when I hear the wind rustling through the trees
I compare its voice to the infinite silence.
And eternity occurs to me, and all the ages past,
And the present time, and its sound.
Amidst this immensity my thought drowns:
And to flounder in this sea is sweet to me.

Japanese version available at


The competition includes three
A - Chamber Music (Fermo)
B - Electronic Music (Fermo)
C - Solo Instrument (Kyoto)
Category A - Bruno Maderna Award
will be delivered to a new work for Chamber Music. From 1 to 5 instruments to be chosen
among the followings: voice/s, flute, oboe, clarinet/s, bassoon, saxophones, trumpet,
trombone, horn, tuba, percussions, piano, accordion, violin, viola, cello, double bass, guitar.
Duration: 7 minutes maximum. Extended techniques are allowed. Up to 4 Finalists will be
selected, and their works performed in Fermo during the month of October 2019.
The winner will be invited to deliver a lecture at the State Conservatory of Fermo and will receive for it a gross amount of 700 euros. The prize money is awarded to the winner only if he/she participates to the preparation of the performance and after holding a lecture about his/her composition. The award is sponsored by the Conservatory of Fermo to commemorate the 100-year anniversary of Bruno Maderna's birth in 2020.

Category B - Luigi Nono Award
will be delivered to a new work for Electronics.
Media: Stereo file (No live electronics)
Duration: 7 minutes maximum. Up to 4 Finalists will be selected, and their works performed in Fermo during the month of October 2019. The winner will be invited to deliver a lecture at the State Conservatory of Fermo and will receive for it a gross amount of 700 euros. The prize money is awarded to the winner only if he/she participates to the preparation of the performance and after holding a lecture about his/her composition.

Category C - Giacomo Leopardi Award
will be delivered to a new work for Solo Instrument.
Koto 13 strings: Oe Miyako?
Saxophone Soprano Alto Tenor: Fukuta Ayano
Violin: Henmi Yasutaka
Percussion: Miyakoto Yasuko
List of percussion instruments available at
Composers are also allowed to use custom-made or unconventional percussions in accordance with the performer.
Duration: 7 minutes maximum. Extended techniques are allowed. Up to 4 Finalists will be
selected, and their works performed in Kyoto and Fermo during the month of October 2019. The winner will be invited to deliver a lecture at the State Conservatory of Fermo and will receive for it a gross amount of 700 euros. The prize money is awarded to the winner only after holding a lecture about his/her composition in Fermo.
The award is sponsored by the Centro Nazionale di Studi Leopardiani to commemorate the 200-year anniversary of Leopardi's masterpiece L’Infinito. The composition must be freely inspired by Giacomo Leopardi's poem (see text in attachment). Personal styles and aesthetics are desirable.
The concerts in Fermo will be hold by the “Bruno Maderna Ensemble" of the Conservatory of Music.


The competition includes three
A - Chamber Music (Fermo)
B - Electronic Music (Fermo)
C - Solo Instrument (Kyoto)
Category A - Bruno Maderna Award
will be delivered to a new work for Chamber Music. From 1 to 5 instruments to be chosen
among the followings: voice/s, flute, oboe, clarinet/s, bassoon, saxophones, trumpet,
trombone, horn, tuba, percussions, piano, accordion, violin, viola, cello, double bass, guitar.
Duration: 7 minutes maximum. Extended techniques are allowed. Up to 4 Finalists will be
selected, and their works performed in Fermo during the month of October 2019.
The winner will be invited to deliver a lecture at the State Conservatory of Fermo and will receive for it a gross amount of 700 euros. The prize money is awarded to the winner only if he/she participates to the preparation of the performance and after holding a lecture about his/her composition. The award is sponsored by the Conservatory of Fermo to commemorate the 100-year anniversary of Bruno Maderna's birth in 2020.

Category B - Luigi Nono Award
will be delivered to a new work for Electronics.
Media: Stereo file (No live electronics)
Duration: 7 minutes maximum. Up to 4 Finalists will be selected, and their works performed in Fermo during the month of October 2019. The winner will be invited to deliver a lecture at the State Conservatory of Fermo and will receive for it a gross amount of 700 euros. The prize money is awarded to the winner only if he/she participates to the preparation of the performance and after holding a lecture about his/her composition.

Category C - Giacomo Leopardi Award
will be delivered to a new work for Solo Instrument.
Koto 13 strings: Oe Miyako?
Saxophone Soprano Alto Tenor: Fukuta Ayano
Violin: Henmi Yasutaka
Percussion: Miyakoto Yasuko
List of percussion instruments available at
Composers are also allowed to use custom-made or unconventional percussions in accordance with the performer.
Duration: 7 minutes maximum. Extended techniques are allowed. Up to 4 Finalists will be
selected, and their works performed in Kyoto and Fermo during the month of October 2019. The winner will be invited to deliver a lecture at the State Conservatory of Fermo and will receive for it a gross amount of 700 euros. The prize money is awarded to the winner only after holding a lecture about his/her composition in Fermo.
The award is sponsored by the Centro Nazionale di Studi Leopardiani to commemorate the 200-year anniversary of Leopardi's masterpiece L’Infinito. The composition must be freely inspired by Giacomo Leopardi's poem (see text in attachment). Personal styles and aesthetics are desirable.
The concerts in Fermo will be hold by the “Bruno Maderna Ensemble" of the Conservatory of Music.


Conservatorio di Musica G.B. Pergolesi Fermo

Via dell'Università, 16, 63900 Fermo FM, Italia

Sito Web


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