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Forte | Piano

#Pianoforte #Piano


Livello intermedio





Dove si svolgerà

New York



Scadenza Iscrizioni:15-06-2017

East 14th Street

Breve descrizione

a graded piano competition

open to anyone regardless of nationality or age
digital submission of youtube recordings
8 + 1 categories: 1 per ABRSM grade + 1 beyond grades
easy payment through credit card / paypal
international renowned adjudicators


The forte|piano competition is an online competition: recordings will be submitted online, so there are no travel/accomodation costs for participants
It is open to pianist of any nationality and age
There are 9 categories: the first 8 are for pieces belonging to the 8 grades of the ABRSM piano syllabus 2017/2018. The 9th one "beyond the grades" is open to any pieces with a maximum length of 10 minutes
All competitors must fill the online application form and can participate in all categories
Participants can submit one recording per piece of the ABRSM piano syllabus 2017/2018 in categories 1 to 8 and one recording only for the category "beyond the grades"
The deadline for submissions will be on June 15th, 2017, and the results will be communicated individually by the end of July 2017
The submission fee is 100 HK$ (about 12.85 US$, 11.75 €, 9.92 UK£, 1455 JP¥) for each submitted piece 
Fees are not refundable and are submitted online through credit card/paypal
If fees paid do not cover the whole number of recording submitted, only the ones in the higher categories will be considered
All pieces submitted will receive a mark out of 100.
Participants with a mark from 60 to 79/100 will receive a certificate of participation to the competition
Participants with a mark from 80 to 84/100 will receive a bronze certificate of merit
Participants with a mark from 85 to 89/100 will receive a silver certificate of merit
Participants with a mark from 90 to 94/100 will receive a golden certificate of merit
Participants with a mark from 95 to 100/100 will receive a certificate of distinction
The top three participants of each category with a mark exceeding 95/100 will receive a medal
Further prizes/mentions can be assigned by sponsors and sanctioned by the decision of the jury
All jury decisions are final and cannot be appealed by anyone


Cat. I : 1st grade of ABRSM syallbus

Cat. II: 2nd grade of ABRSM syallbus

Cat. III: 3rd grade of ABRSM syallbus

Cat. IV : 4th grade of ABRSM syallbus

Cat. V : 5th grade of ABRSM syallbus

Cat. VI : 6th grade of ABRSM syallbus

Cat. VII : 7th grade of ABRSM syallbus

Cat. VIII : 8th grade of ABRSM syallbus

Cat. IX : Beyond the grades, open submission


Participants with a mark from 60 to 79/100 will receive a certificate of participation to the competition
Participants with a mark from 80 to 84/100 will receive a bronze certificate of merit
Participants with a mark from 85 to 89/100 will receive a silver certificate of merit
Participants with a mark from 90 to 94/100 will receive a golden certificate of merit
Participants with a mark from 95 to 100/100 will receive a certificate of distinction
The top three participants of each category with a mark exceeding 95/100 will receive a medal
Further prizes/mentions can be assigned by sponsors and sanctioned by the decision of the jury



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