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Masterclass & Opera Studio - Barbara Frittoli & Ramon Vargas



Livello intermedio


Dove si svolgerà




Scadenza Iscrizioni:31-05-2019

Breve descrizione

Figaro Academy in Venice is a two week intensive training program for singers and opera coaches. The Program will take place in the charming town of Venice in the north of Italy. It is the perfect area for learning Bel canto Italian singing style and Italian language. It is one of the most famous cities in the world and it has many attractive places and buildings like: Piazza San Marco, Basilica of San Marco, Palazzo Ducale, Teatro La Fenice ecc..During the two week program, each student will have daily coachings, voice lessons, acting classes, and Italian language classes as well as daily Master classes and lectures. At the end of the program, all students will have the opportunity to perform at the final concert of the masterclass in the Main Hall of Venice with professional orchestra and conductor.Beyond that, some students will have the possibility to be selected for another concert with orchestra or Opera studio.All student will have the opportunity to work with some of the most admired professionals in the world of opera music and local teachers of State Conservatories of Italy.

Programma Completo

Masterclass, Opera Studio e Concerto Finale con Orchestra presso l'Aula Magna del COnservatorio di Venenzia "Benedetto Marcello"


Barbara Frittoli Vedi Profilo

Ramon Vargas Vedi Profilo


Figaro Opera Society_83

Venezia VE, Italia

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